Alice Unauthorised Loan Message

There are several reasons why you could be getting this message. In essence it means that the lending rules that you have specified do not permit the item to be loaned to this borrower. Early in the year the most common reasons are:

Other reasons are:


Changing the Master Due Date


The master due date is set separately for each Borrower Loan Category so you may need to repeat this step


Select: Circulation, File, Borrower Loan Category

Highlight one Borrower Loan Category in the list



Click the Edit icon

Change the Master Due Date to a date in the future

Click the Save icon

Repeat as necessary for other Borrower Loan Categories.


Changing Fixed Due Dates


If any loan Due Date has been specified as a fixed date (end of term, end of year) then the date will need to be edited when that date has passed.


Select: Circulation, File, Borrower Loan Category

Highlight one Borrower Loan Category in the list


Click the Yellow folder icon  to display the Loan Rule window.



Highlight one loan rule that has a fixed due date

Click the Edit icon

Change the Fixed Due Date to a date in the future

Click the Save icon

Repeat as necessary for other Fixed Due Dates.

Repeat as necessary for other Borrower Loan Categories.